Educator Onboarding
LEO Art Challenge Workshop
ICE 2019: Satellite Tracking, Orbits, and Modeling
SEEC 2019: Satellite Tracking, Orbits, and Modeling
Workshop:ITEC Trek-a-Sat
Workshop: 2018-01-27 Yerkes
Workshop: 2017-10-28 Carthage-Yerkes Electrostatics in Space
Workshop: 2017-06-29-BTCI-Life in Space!
Workshop: 2017-03-11 Yerkes
Workshop: 2017-02-07 SEEC
Workshop: 2017-01-28 Yerkes
Tools You Might Use
Educational Learning
2017-03-11 Yerkes: More than the Rainbow
Diagrama de temas
(Picture above - Vivian "holding" a spectrum!)
2017-03-11 Yerkes Workshop
9:30 to 10:00 AM: Registration, snacks, settle in!
10:00 to 10:30: Introductions, Agenda, Overview of Spectrum using the EIS Academy
10:30 to 11:30: Marc Berthoud looks at radio data, submillimeter astronomy, and Palomar Observatory
11:30 to lunch (12:15?): Kathy Gustavson wraps up Radio and Microwave/Submillimeter Astronomy with ways students can get involved.
Lunch - from Panera!
1:00 PM (or so) to 2:15: Kevin McCarron and the Infrared part of the spectrum
2:30 (or so) to 3:45: Rich DeCoster and viisible light and ultraviolet light.
3:45 or so: Wrap up. If anyone is interested in tour of Yerkes, speak up!
Published by:
Radio Jove and the Inspire Project
Measuring the energy of different parts of the spectrum
HR Diagram and Star Colors
What would your world look like in Infrared?
Please let us know your thoughts about this workshop by using the discussion forum below
- What was your favorite activity?
- What was the most important part of the workshop for you?
- Are there any areas that need improvement?
- How was the length of the workshop?
- Any additional comments
After you use the discussion forum, please answer the BRIEF survey questions in the link below.
Thank You!!!
Please use this forum to share any activities you do!