
  • 2025 NSS University spUN Debate Program

    NSS presents the 2025 University spUN DImage of Debater Shyama.ebate Program, inviting university students worldwide to join a debate team. This is a 100% virtual opportunity!


                                                                          Image suggests university students should apply.

  • Overview of spUN Debate Program

    National Space Society hosts the 2025 University spUN Debate

    Author:  Frances Dellutri,  NSS Dir. of Education, spUN Debate Program Manager

       Project Managers: Jordan Strudwick and  B.U.Naveen Raj


    The NSS Space Policy and Universalization (spUN) Debates offer international university students an opportunity to form a global team to debate space policy with an eye on Universalization – finding solutions through world-wide collaboration and cooperation for the space industry and here on Earth.

    2025 will mark the fourth year of the NSS university level debates.  

    The 2025 spUN Debate Program is 100% virtual and brings together teams of 3 debaters (university age) from all around the world to investigate and present the pros and cons of a resolution on space policy issues while learning to value different perspectives, cultures, and languages.


    >>>>>>>>>>  The 2025 University spUN Debate Resolution:     "The success of future space activities hinges on the strict adherence to the Artemis Accords."   <<<<<<<<<<<

    Enjoy this video message for you: about why university students should debate space policy!   

  • Schedule for 2025 University spUN Debate Program (Tentative)

    2025 University spUN  Debate Schedule:     ALL Events are VIRTUAL

    Sept. 1, 2024    Official Launch of the University spUN Debate Application Window

    Nov, 5, 2024     University spUN Debate  Application Fee Waiver Request Due by 11:59  UTC

    Nov. 17, 2024  University spUN Debate  Application Submission Due by 11:59  UTC

    Nov. 20, 2024   University spUN Debate  Application Fees Due by 11:59  UTC

    Dec. 1, 2024     Coach Application Duet

    Feb. 5, 2025      University spUN Debate Team and Alternate  Team Members Assignments

    Feb. 15, 2025   Teams begin with Coaches

    Mar. 8, 2025     Mentor Session with Subject Matter Expert

    April 12, 2025   Practice Debate Session Held

    May 31,  Jun. 1, 7,8, 14 , 2024  Preliminary Session for 2025 Tournament Held

                           7:45  and 9:45  a.m. Central Daylight Saving Time

    June 21, 2024     Final tournament Session for 2025 NSS University spUN Debates

                            NSS 2025 International Space Development Conference (ISDC2025)

                  (Final two teams from preliminary sessions will virtually debate, streamed to ISDC)

                             7:30 a.m. Central Daylight Saving Time

    July 13, 2025      University spUN Debate Debrief

    See information on the 2024 NSS spUN University Tournament below.

  • Applications

    The completed application must be submitted by  Nov. 17, 2024 at 23:59 UTC


         The link to: 2025 spUN University Debates Application


    A couple of notes about the application:

    1. Be sure to put your first and last name in the appropriate fields.  This will expedite our paperwork  and guide us correctly with documentation of your participation.  

                Example: First Name-Naveen Raj  Last Name- Baskar Umashankari 

    University Fee Instructions can be found in the index at the left of this screen.

    Univ Fee Waiver  - Due  by Nov.5, 2024 at 23:59 UTC

      For further questions kindly contact us at:

  • Application Fee

    To Purchase 2025 Universtiy  Debate Application Fee from NSS Store:

    2025 University spUN Debate Fee

             1. This link will put you right into the NSS Store to purchase your fee/s. for the University Debate Program.  If you have more than one debater  for whom you wish to purchase a fee, you can indicate the number here.  There will be an opportunity in the 'comment' section later in the order info to name the debaters who the fees will cover.

    Image is of the page the Univ Fee URL takes you to.

          This is an image of the first page of the University Fee on the NSS Store

                2. Check your cart to see if you have indicated the correct number of fees you would like to purchase.  If you need to purchase more fees, click 'Continue Shopping,' then click 'Cart', check your information and proceed to 'Checkout.'

            3. Enter your credit card info:

    ThecCredit card information form is shown from the NSS Store.Enter your Country code prior to your phone number.  If in US (1) is the country code.

    Enter your billing information.  

    The debater information for the fee/s you have purchased should be entered in the 'Comment Section" found toward the bottom of the credit card information.

    This image is of the comment section in the spUN University Debate Fee Purchases from the NSS Store

            4. Next is your confirmation after you have indicated the debater in the 'Comment' section.

        Then Proceed to 'Confirmation.'

    This image is the order confirmation and agreement of term.

              5.  Hooray !  You should see a Thank You Message.

    Image of the 'Thank You' message from the NSS Store.      Email receipt is forthcoming to the email noted in the NSS Store HS spUN Debate Fee  billing information.

  • Resolution Info on the 2025 Program

    2025 University spUN Resolution:

    "The success of future space activities hinges on the strict adherence to the Artemis Accords."

    Resources for use during preparation of the pro or con positions is forthcoming.

  • Waiver Request for Fees

    Requests for the  $15.00 2025 spUN Debates Fee Application Waiver must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. UTC  Nov. 5, 2024. Please fill out the Debate Application prior to submitting your waiver request.

     A second way to avoid the fee, is to influence another person to apply to the spUN Debates.  Make sure they mention you have influenced them to apply in the 'comments' section of their fee payment.

    On the waiver form please mention if you have influenced anyone to apply to the debates.


         2025 University Fee Waiver form

    For further questions kindly contact us at:

  • Debate Format - Univ

     spUN University Format

    World Schools  Debate Championship Format

    ­­Prop – Proposition    Opp – Opposition




    Prop Team, Speaker 1

    Proposition 1

    8 min

    Opp  Team, Speaker 1

    Opposition  1

    8 min

    Prop Team, Speaker 2

    Proposition 2

    8 min

    Opp  Team, Speaker 2

    Opposition  2

    8 min

    Prop Team, Speaker 3

    Proposition 3

    8 min

    Con  Team, Speaker 3

    Opposition  3

    8 min

    Opp  Team, Speaker 1 or 2

    Opposition Reply

    4 min

    Prop Team, Speaker 1 or 2

    Reply to Opposition Reply

    4 min

    Total Time


    56 min



    POI (Point of Information) may be offered by the opposing team between minutes 1 and 7 of the speech. The speaker may accept or decline a POI, but speakers are expected to accept two POI’s during their speech.

    Please see section:  Information on POIs below.

  • Universalization

    The National Space Society NSS hosts the spUN Debate Program.  The program is based on bringing students from around the world to consider the topics and challenges that must be faced in order to develop space for the betterment of humanity.  The concept is incorporated in the spUN Debate program.  This is a concept that encourages a mindfulness of human a focus not only on global issues per se but on social, technological, economic and cultural challenges and opportunities extending into our solar system, our galaxy, and well beyond, where cooperation supersedes conflict negotiation

    Please take a moment to see the impact the study of the universalization concept made on the student debaters.  


    ...and the second video talks about the practicalities of space living and governing and, how to buy chocolate in space! 


     Past university resolutions: (2022  - 2024)

    • The Gateway will be critical in expanding human presence to the Moon and deeper into the solar system.

    • Space traffic management should be regulated by the UN Security Council.

    • The international community must establish regulations for space-based solar power to mitigate potential hazards.

    We hope these resources will you help you to frame the future of our world!