Enrolment options

Age Level Appropriateness:  11- 18 years (Grade 12)
Visit the website:  https://space.nss.org/settlement/nasa/Contest/index.html
Application:  STEAM: Science, Technology, the Arts and Math
Contributor: Al Globus

This annual space settlement design contest for 6-12th grade students has been sponsored by NASA Ames Research Center from 1994-2018, for the last several years in conjunction with the National Space Society. A Space Act Agreement between NASA and NSS is currently being worked on to continue joint sponsorship of the contest. Meanwhile, the 2019 contest is being sponsored by NSS. The single highest scoring team or individual attending ISDC will receive the Herman Rubin Award for $5,000.

The 2020 awards were selected from 2,646 entries involving 14,359 students from 22 countries.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)