Educator Onboarding
LEO Art Challenge Workshop
ICE 2019: Satellite Tracking, Orbits, and Modeling
SEEC 2019: Satellite Tracking, Orbits, and Modeling
Workshop:ITEC Trek-a-Sat
Workshop: 2018-01-27 Yerkes
Workshop: 2017-10-28 Carthage-Yerkes Electrostatics in Space
Workshop: 2017-06-29-BTCI-Life in Space!
Workshop: 2017-03-11 Yerkes
Workshop: 2017-02-07 SEEC
Workshop: 2017-01-28 Yerkes
Tools You Might Use
Educational Learning
Hubble Telescope Model
Instructions to build the Hubble Telescope model are found here. Be sure and shrink the model to 75% its full model size if you would like to fit the model onto the Fun Flyer wand to demonstrate how electrostatic charge would be transferred to the solar panels. Have students gently touch the solar panels after you have engaged the wand for a few seconds. If you have a low humidity day, it can be a little shocking!