Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от Frances Dellutri -
Количество ответов: 22

Antioch Upper Grade School is found in Northern Illinois, USA.  We are known as 'The Warriors' and about 1,050 students in grades 6 - 8 (that's ages 11-14) are in our building.  Students come to our building from four lower grade schools in the area and most students will go to one of the two public high schools found in our town of a population of about 14,500 people.  We are located in a beautiful area with many lakes, forests, and ski hills and are about 30 minutes from the shores of  the blue (and chilly) waters of Lake Michigan.   Our town is equidistant from Chicago, IL and Milwaukee, WI.

Приложение AUGS in the winter.jpeg

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от Bonnie Thurber -

Hi Penny,

I am very pleased to meet you!  My name is Bonnie Thurber and I am the person who is responsible for the iCollaboratory. I love to swim also. I have one dog and two cats. Sometimes I think the dog is afraid of the cats. He has some toys that he likes to case but, he stays away from the cats. When I was your age, basketball was my favorite sport also.  What is your favorite swimming stroke?

Thank you,

Bonnie Thurber

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от Bonnie Thurber -

Hi Manders,

I am very pleased to meet you!  My name is Bonnie Thurber and I am the person who is responsible for the iCollaboratory. I think you have a very interesting nick-name. Is there a story about how you got it?

India is a very interesting place to visit. Do you have a reason for wanting to go there?


Bonnie Thurber

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от Bonnie Thurber -

Hello Doug,

I am very pleased to meet you!  My name is Bonnie Thurber and I am the person who is responsible for the iCollaboratory.

Soccer is one of my favorite sports to watch on TV.  I enjoy watching different countries teams playing each other. I also love swimming and tennis.

I am happy you are in this project!


Bonnie Thurber

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от Bonnie Thurber -

Hello Donald,

It is very nice to meet you! My name is Bonnie Thurber. I am the person responsible for the iCollaboratory!  I have had horses, dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits and other animals in my household while my kids were growing up. I have a question.. Why do you want to go to London?  It is a great city. :)


Bonnie Thurber

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от Bonnie Thurber -

Hi Neal,

Nice to meet you! My name is Bonnie Thurber. I run the iCollaboratory. There should be some students from Sweden and China here this week. I hope you enjoy meeting them. I agree with you that it is cold here and winter is long. I love biking also. :)  I hope you and your sister can make some short videos for this project. 


Bonnie Thurber

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от PenelopeB B -

Hello my name is Penelope. My friends call me penny. I like to draw and paint. My favorite class is gym. I like to run and do lots of sports, and my favorite sport is basketball. I have a dog and cat. My best friend in the whole wide world is my friend kaylee G. My favorite food is chicken legs. :) I have a pool and I love to swim in it, in the winter it's very cold here, but in the summer its very hot!

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от AmandaK K -

Hi my name is Amanda but I go by Manders. I love animals, my favorite animal is a chiniclla. I am in cross country, volleyball, and cheerleading. I never have been out of the country but really want to go to India. I am excited to make new friends in different places but I think this is going to be a good experience. 

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от DouglasL L -

Hello my name is Douglas but I go by Doug, I am teenager and my favorite sport is football. My favorite team is the Bears, I know about elements such as Fe 27 iron, pd 38 palladium, au 79 gold, HG 80 Mercury, and tc 23 techturium. I am really linguistic and excel in language arts or English. I enjoy studying Greek, I know some about, string theroy, and Higs boson. I went to Florida before when I was 7. My favorite soccer player is Christano Ranaldo . I will enjoy getting into this project and am very exited. 

Re: Antioch Upper Grade School (AUGS)

от SamuelS S -

Hi my name is Samuel but you can call me Sam.  I'm a teenager.  I like to play catch and play outside with my friends.  On the other hand I also enjoy playing video games like TF2 and Skyrim.  I enjoy school and love to read books.  Some great reads are "HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy" and the "Maze Runner".  My favorite subject in school is science.  I like to hang out and play board games and card games with my friends like Munchkin and Forbidden Island.  I have one brother who annoys me to no end.  I'm also in Boy Scouts and am close to eagle.  I am learning to speak some Mandarin Chinese.  Where I come from it is very cold in the winter and hot in the summer.  I am ready to meet some new people and have fun in science!