Lunar Phase Simulator

Lunar Phase Simulator

Lunar Phase Simulator
by Amritanshu Vajpayee - बिहिबार , 13 जनवरी 2022, 10:13 PM
Ignited Minds VIPNET Club (VP-UP0103)

  • This is link for self motivated exploration about the Phases of the Moon by the participant. 
  • The participant can animate or manually maneuver the astronomical positions of the Moon and derive more information. 
  • This Cybrary can serve as an onset of critical and analytical though process for the higher grade projects of iSTEM.

Bonnie in Pokhara, Nepal
Re: Lunar Phase Simulator
by Bonnie Thurber - बुधबार , 16 फ़रवरी 2022, 7:47 PM

I really like the Lunar Phase Simulator.  I am getting more ideas of how the Moon moves by working with it.