Topic outline

  • Written by: Linda Smentek, SpacEdge (formerly EIS) Education Team Member, October 2015
    Topic: Astronomy, Language Arts
    Grade (Age): Gr 3-5 (Age: 8-10)
    Short description: In this lesson, students will participate in an activity that will test their knowledge of astronomy related vocabulary. Then, students will research their vocabulary, ensuring that they are able to match a definition to each word.
    Students research astronomy terms to find one vocabulary word for each letter of the alphabet. They define terms and draw a related picture. 

    Before beginning this project, you might want to send home a letter to the parents of your students. Below are two sample letters to parents.

  • Have you ever played the alphabet game? 

    You need to pick a topic and then try to come up with a related topic word that starts with each letter of the alphabet!

    The topic for this game is: astronomy term

  • Forum: 1
  • image of the word "build"Astronomy is such a big topic! Let’s narrow down your project’s astronomy topic.

    All of your terms must be related to one of these Astronomy topics: Solar System, Universe, Science Fiction Books about Astronomy, Space Vehicles, Galaxy, Putting Students Into Space (i.e. microbiology), Space Movies About Astronomy, Book Titles That Deal With Astronomy, Other.

    Once you have narrowed down your astronomy alphabet topic, begin to record your alphabet word findings. You may download the worksheet provided below or create your own list using some type of word processing program. Your list should include: one letter for each letter of the alphabet, one related word/term, a definition / explanation, a possible picture, and (if desired) a web link to more information about each term.

    Files: 2
  • media treeNow that you have your astronomy alphabet words, you need to decide how you would like to share your list with others.

    Once you have decided on your project's format, use your astronomy alphabet planning sheet to create your project!

    Possible ways to share information:

      - PowerPoint, Google Slides, online flip book ( ReadWriteThink Flip Book ), online book maker (Simple Booklet )
      - onine comic maker (MakeBelieveComics, ToonDoo, PixTon)
    • SONG
      - record your song in an wav or mp3 format (Audacity
      - with one letter on each page
      - PUT alphabet letters down left side and info on each term to the right of the letter
    • VIDEO
       - video record each student in the class - each student explains one letter of the astronomy alphabet

    URL: 1
  •  boy showing his work at blackboardYou have learned a lot about Astronomy!!

    To let others see what you have created, click the link below.

    Click the Add a new discussion topic button.

    In the Name line, enter: your first name, last initial, the title of your project, and your age (I.E. Hank W. My Astronomy Alphabet Age 9).

    In the text box,  add an introduction you might want to include.

    Then use the tools under your title to share your file.

    Forum: 1 Lightbox Gallery: 1
  • heads with speech bubbles over themNow that you have completed your Astronomy Alphabet project, please complete the following survey to share how much you have learned!
    URL: 1
  • Send a Postcard to Space through NSS Supported Blue Origin Club For The Future initiative!

    Visit: SpacEdge Academy Postcards in Space Course