Topic outline

  • The resources in space are critical to humanity's future.  Space offers us unlimited clean energy through space based solar power and effectively unlimited raw materials from the Moon & the asteroids.  New metals, crystals, drugs and other materials can be made in the microgravity environment of space that can't be made on Earth.  The knowledge and wealth generated from our expansion into space will trigger an economic and scientific renaissance.  This will be the next great technological and industrial revolution. 

    This is the first of 5 episodes of the series Space Is Our Future.

    In this episode, people were asked the question "Why should we go into space?" or "Why is space important?"  These questions are ones that people have been asking for centuries and some of the answers may surprise you. 

    This episode can be shown to all of the groups categorized in the above overview section to elitist discussions.  The education guide below is listed out in group sections to help discussion facilitators organize or prepare for discussions around this topic.

    • Please post on this forum some of the ways that you have used this video in the classroom, in group discussions, or in other ways.  Please share some of the outcomes of the discussions or some of the interesting points made and include any photos, lessons, worksheets, activities, or other ways this video was used.  What were some of the most interesting things people learned because of this video discussion?

      Please share the results of your discussions by posting some of the interesting outcomes in the "Why Space?" Discussion Forum.

      Discussion Guides are being developed at this time and will be uploaded when finished.  Stay tuned.... 

    • After sharing the "Why Space?" video segment with your students, please take about 5 minutes to fill out this survey about your experience .