Topic outline

  • The five (5) independent episode segments can be shown together in one 15-minute video or as seperate 2-3 minute segments. Please read the Welcome and Project Overview.  Lesson plans are provided for each of the video segments. The five video episode segments are: 

  • Space is Our Future' is a video and discussion project containing 5 (five) 2-3 minute video episodes that can be used as a whole or each individual episode can be independently to foster discussions about space.  Together, these video episodes are an inspiring vision of our future in space!

    The National Space Society (NSS) had initiated a campaign in 2013 to explain the importance and wonders of space exploration and development. To support this campaign, NSS conducted a Kickstarter project to produce a short, compelling video that explains the great things we can do in space, and why they matter. NSS wants to give you a truly inspiring and informative look at the future of space development.

    The 'Space is Our Future' video focuses on the exciting new opportunities in space that are now emerging. It also includes interviews with a wide range of space proponents, from artists to astronauts, scientists to students, engineers to entrepreneurs. They all explain, in their own words, why space is important to them and to humanity, and how everyone can be involved in the emerging space industry. Their passion is evident, and typifies NSS' commitment. 

    Enterprise in Space (EIS) would like to support NSS in its efforts to advocate space through discussion.  The EIS Education Team took this set of five video episodes and build some educational and outreach activities around them that will be useful to teachers, informal educators, and other groups.  The episodes  are intended to be used with a wide range of audiences, from students to investors, civic groups to Congressional representatives, and they explains why "Space Is Our Future”. 

    When you have used this resource, EIS would appreciate it if you would share how you used it and what some of the stories and outcomes of the discussions were. We would also love to see and collect images and video clips from you of some of the events and interactions you had.  (See last section at bottom on how to share)
  • The resources in space are critical to humanity's future.  Space offers us unlimited clean energy through space based solar power and effectively unlimited raw materials from the Moon & the asteroids.  New metals, crystals, drugs and other materials can be made in the microgravity environment of space that can't be made on Earth.  The knowledge and wealth generated from our expansion into space will trigger an economic and scientific renaissance.  This will be the next great technological and industrial revolution. 

    This is the first of 5 episodes of the series Space Is Our Future.

    In this episode, people were asked the question "Why should we go into space?" or "Why is space important?"  These questions are ones that people have been asking for centuries and some of the answers may surprise you. 

    This episode can be shown to all of the groups categorized in the above overview section to elitist discussions.  The education guide below is listed out in group sections to help discussion facilitators organize or prepare for discussions around this topic.

    मंच: 1 URL: 1
  • This is episode 2 of 5 episodes from the "Space Is Our Future" video project.  In this episode, people were asked the question "What is it about space that inspires you?" or  "How has space inspired you?"

    This episode can be shown to all of the groups categorized in the above overview section to elitist discussions.  The education guide below is listed out in group sections to help discussion

    Note for facilitators:  Organize or prepare for discussions around this topic.

    मंच: 1

  • This is episode 3 of 5 in the series entitled "Space is Our Future".  In this episode people were asked "What do you think will be the things that happen next in space?"  or  "What do you believe the next that should be taken to move humanity further into space?"

    This episode can be shown to all of the groups categorized in the above overview section to elitist discussions.  The education guide below is listed out in group sections to help discussion facilitators organize or prepare for discussions around this topic.

    मंच: 1 URL: 1

  • This is episode 4 of 5 in the series entitled "Space is Our Future".  In this episode people were asked "What they thought current and future careers in space would be?"  These would include carees on Earth as well as the careers of people who would live and work in space as their home.

    This episode can be shown to all of the groups categorized in the above overview section to elitist discussions.  The education guide below is listed out in group sections to help discussion facilitators organize or prepare for discussions around this topic.

    मंच: 1

  • This is episode 5 and the last of 5 in the series entitled "Space is Our Future".  In this episode people were asked about their beliefs in humanities destiny in space. 

    This episode can be shown to all of the groups categorized in the above overview section to elitist discussions.  The education guide below is listed out in group sections to help discussion facilitators organize or prepare for discussions around this topic.

    मंच: 1
  • Does space matter?  We think so.  But we've found that even people who use space assets every day are often unaware of the vital those assets they play in their daily life.

    Use the whole 15 minute video to begin discussions about space and use the Video Users Guide to help choose the questions that you would like to discuss.

    मंच: 1