Topic outline

  • Intro to Ecology and Environment

    While developing knowledge and talent for life in Space, EIS strongly endorses the preservation, celebration and renewal of our Earth. etching 30Choose one or all of these introductory resources before doing the Treasure Hunt which follows them. We welcome your suggestions in our Educators Forum

    • Here educators can share pictures and links, and can discuss anything related to Ecology, the Earth and the rainforest.

    • View an animated slide show of the 59 etchings from the Martius-Spix expedition to Brazil. Etchings by Karl von Martius, expedition leader. Digitally colored on Photoshop by Carol Miranda Chor and Alberto Chor. These etchings display the various regions and habitats of Brazil.

      When the explorers visited the rainforest in 1817, there were no cameras to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. In those days it was important to practice drawing and painting, so travelers could remember and pass along what they had seen. Raise your Eco-awareness and Eco IQ. If a picture is worth a thousand words, think what these thousands of images will teach you about the Earth !

    • Nova's Earth from Space

      This is a must-see video for grades 3-12. It shows images of Earth from Space through 7 different spectrums of light, each one revealing astonishing truths about the condition of the Earth. This is a perfect lead-in to Ecology lessons because it shows the "big picture". It helps students to draw some important conclusions that will inspire interest, concern and hopefully, activism for the environment.


      Click above for resources. Click below for worksheets.

      nova earth from space worksheet

      NOVA's Earth system science collection highlights important Earth processes normally invisible to the human eye. The standards-based media resources expose the intricate web of forces that sustain life on Earth, allowing educators to explore the astonishing beauty and complexity of our dynamic planet with their students.

  • Topic 1

    Raise Awareness and Eco IQ

    • Click the above link, to learn about the features of Remember the Rainforest. RTR is an Eco education program K-12.

    • NASA's Rainforest from Space

      NASA"s Landsat photos of tropical rainforests from 1970 to 2012 show the patterns of deforestation that is destroying habitats all over the Earth. Does the land today display the lush, oxygen rich abundance of the rainforest etchings from the Martius-Spix expedition 1817-1820 ?

    • Earth is constantly changing. Some changes are a natural part of the climate system, such as the seasonal expansion and contraction of the Arctic sea ice pack. The responsibility for other changes, such as the Antarctic ozone hole, falls squarely on humanity’s shoulders. Our World of Change series documents how our planet’s land, oceans, atmosphere, and Sun are changing over time.

  • Topic 2

    Lesson : Treasure Hunt

    Treasure Hunt is a challenge for students to navigate the Expedition Etchings to search for the jaguar, the giant trees, the giant rivers, the lavender sky, etc.

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, think what these thousands of images will teach you about the Earth !


    • Click the link above to explore the etchings.

      When the explorers visited the rainforest in 1817, there were no cameras to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. In those days it was important to practice drawing and painting, so travelers could remember and pass along what they had seen. 


    • Click on the link above to view our advanced worksheet for grades 2-12.

  • Topic 3

    For extra activities, use the Advanced word search, and coloring sheets from Remember the Rainforest 2. 

  • Topic 4

  • Topic 5

  • Topic 6

  • Topic 7