Topic outline

  • Intro to Ecology and Environment

    While developing knowledge and talent for life in Space, EIS strongly endorses the preservation, celebration and renewal of our Earth.etching 30 Choose one or all of these introductory resources before doing the Biodiversity lesson which follows them. We welcome your suggestions in our Educators Forum

  • Topic 1

  • Topic 2

    • Biodiversity lesson : Click the link above to review rare insect images from the explorers of the 1800s. The 19th century is called the Age of Collectors because scientists and artists were sent to the tropical rainforests on expeditions commissioned by most of the countries of Europe. They were sent to collect plants and animals, make scientific drawings and classify them according to their family and species.

      insect review

  • Topic 3

    • Project this chart to discuss Insect body parts. Then ask the students to design an insect and label its parts.

  • Topic 4

    For extra activities, use the Easy word searchAdvanced word search, and coloring sheets from Remember the Rainforest 2. RTR2 is an Eco coloring book.

  • Topic 5

  • Topic 6