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  • Introduction

    Butterflies in Space

    Updated in August 2023 

    Author:  Ioana Stoica, Tudor Vianu National High School of Computer Science, Bucharest, Romania

    Short Description: Microgravity is a mystery we all wish to unravel – and this can only be done with experiments and careful observations. So, in order to choose the research questions, we studied the effects gravity has on living organisms, focusing on aspects that can be monitored by photos and videos. 

    Goals of the Lesson: The goal of this research project is to study the behavior of monarch butterflies (Vianuessa Cardui) in a laboratory environment, at constant pressure and temperature, and to compare the results with the data offered by NASA regarding the life of butterflies in microgravity. Then, we make suppositions on how butterflies would behave under the effect of microgravity and how the lack of gravitational force would affect their biological processes. Additionally, we compare the actual experimental data we collect with the data offered by NASA to verify our suppositions, stating the conclusions of our research and suggesting enhancements for future studies.

    Students Ages: 13 - 17

    Keywords: Earth and Space Science, Microgravity, Living Organisms, Gravity, Gravitational Force, Biology, Biological Processes, 

    NGSS Standard Connections: 

    LS1B: Growth and Development of Organisms 

    LS4C: Adaptation

    Close up image of a "Vanessa Cardui" Butterfly, otherwise known as a painted lady.     

         As an aside, in the end we came up with a term of endearment for our butterflies,

         naming them Vianuessa Cardui, because the name of our school is Tudor Vianu.   

  • Background

    How would the world look without gravity? 

    The effects of gravity on living creatures, based on scientific studies, and their consequences in microgravity:

    1. Cell size

    • Gravity: The size of single biological cells is inversely proportional to the strength of the gravitational field exerted on the cell. That is, in stronger gravitational fields the size of cells decreases, and in weaker gravitational fields the size of cells increases. Gravity is thus a limiting factor in the growth of individual cells [1].
    • Microgravity: This suggests that organisms in microgravity might develop larger cells and thus, have larger dimensions.

    GIF of an animal cell, showing the nucleus and other organelles (structures found inside of cells).

    1. Inner/outer skeleton

    • Gravity: Organisms evolving on Earth must develop inner or outer skeletons for not being crushed by the gravitational force [2].
    • Microgravity: Bone cells (or exoskeleton cells in case of insects) die if they can’t attach themselves to something. Without gravity exerting a downward pull on these bone cells, they float aimlessly about and eventually perish.

    GIF of a skeleton, moving their arm up and down to show body mobility.

      1. Blood circulation
      • Gravity: The vascular system must work against gravity in order for blood to reach the parts of the body that are higher than the pump (the heart).
      • Microgravity: It’s possible that the lower parts of the body would receive less blood, while the upper ones will receive more, making some actions harder to perform and others easier. For example, a butterfly’s wings may be better vascularized in microgravity since they are situated in the upper part of the body [3].
      GIF of a red butterfly, fluttering across a small section of screen in a straight line.



    • Methods of Data Collection

      What can we measure and observe through photographs and videos?

      1. Photographs of the Butterflies:

      • Body shape and structure
      • The size
      • Colors          
      • Life Cycle

      2. Videos of the Butterflies:              GIF of a monarch butterfly, flapping its wings.

      • Flight patterns
      • Vitality (how active the butterflies are)                     

    • Making Your Butterfly Chamber

      Observing the Growing Butterflies

      A close up image of the caterpillars in the chamber, with small containers of food for growth.

      In order to observe the butterflies safely, the butterfly chamber must be made properly for the butterflies to grow in. Ensure quality chamber by following the instructions given from the official resource collection of the Butterflies in Space project.

      Greg Vogt, from the Baylor College of Medicine, describes an easy way for students to create their own butterfly chamber similar to the chamber put on the shuttle during the Butterflies in Space experiment! 

      Instructional Video: 


    • Research Questions and Hypotheses



      1.   Do the butterflies go through the metamorphosis stages normally?

      • Hypothesis: Gravity influences a lot of functions in the living organisms and its absence can have an effect over a larva’s growing process. Therefore the caterpillar might transform slower into a pupa, while it could also spend more time in the pupa form. The butterfly might need more time to fully inflate its wings (because of the effect of microgravity on its blood circulation) and to dry them.

      • Methods: We will watch the photos taken by the camera on ISS and measure the time needed for the larvae to turn into pupa and for the pupa to turn into butterfly and see if it takes more or less time.


      2.   Does microgravity affect their movement pattern?

      • Hypothesis: Microgravity might influence the butterflies’ speed (they can achieve greater speeds with far less effort) and cause muscle atrophy. We presume they will have issues maintaining their balance, will be disorientated and move chaotically. Also, they might become lazier.

      • Methods: We will analyze the videos from ISS and try to find a pattern for the butterfly’s flight and if such a pattern exists, we will compare it to the movement patterns seen on Earth.


      3.   Do they have differences in structure or appearance?

      • Hypothesis: The larvae on ISS might be larger than those on Earth because their cells could be larger in microgravity. The exoskeleton in all stages of metamorphosis (caterpillar, pupa and butterfly) might also be slightly thinner because the cells forming this type of tissue develop much slower in microgravity. Also, the butterflies’ wings might remain a little wrinkled because the low gravity affects the blood flow that is pumped for inflating them.

      • Methods: We will measure the dimensions of the butterflies and larvae in the box on ISS (from pictures) and compare them to the dimensions of our insects. The “butterflynauts” may well be larger, but also smaller in size.


    • Student Observations, Analysis, and Conclusions

      The projects developed by students from 11 D class and 9B class

    • Resources

      Article on Gravitational Biology   

      - Summarizing gravitational influences for life on earth, as well as life outside of earth. 

      NASA Report on Butterfly Emersion 

      - Short NASA report detailing Butterflies in Space project, describing the event when butterflies first emerged from their cocoons and relaying general aspects of the project.

      Butterflies in Space Resource Collection 

      - Butterflies in Space experiment overview, with different informational background lessons and videos, along with direct videos of the experiment hosted in space! 

    • Send a Postcard to Space!

      Send a Postcard to Space through NSS Supported Blue Origin Club For The Future initiative!

      Visit: SpacEdge Academy Postcards in Space Course