Esquema de tópicos/temas

  • Detecting Orbital Debris Using Albedo: Index:

     Title of Lesson: Orbital Debris and Albedo - Middle School  /High School                                   Updated August 2023

    Grade (Age) Level: Grades 5-8 (Ages 10-13), Grades 9 -12 (Ages 14-18)

    Written by: Frances Dellutri  and Lynne Zielinski. 


    CCCS:   6.8.3, 6.8.7:
    NGSS:  MS-ESS1-3; MS-ESS3-2,3; MS-ETS1-1,4:  see

    Topic: Art, Astronomy, albedo, orbital debris, debris detection


    Orbital debrs is a looming problem!  Space lawmakers are scrambling how to control the space above the earth from manmade objects and then there is the problem of natural objects coming close to or even striking Earth!

    This lesson provides an introduction to orbital debris to set the stage. Taking a look at space object sizes, characteristics, and distance from Earth can be greatly defined by using albedo. The concept of albedo (the ability of surfaces to reflect sunlight) is then introduced in an overview of the “Albedo Experiment,” where students will be guided through an experiment to determine the light reflecting from ‘orbiting’ objects. Concepts in this activity illustrate how albedo is employed in the study of space, specifically, in the detection of orbital debris.  

    When we look at the moon from Earth or the Earth from space, we are seeing reflected light, albedo. Earth is reflecting the sun's light energy and the moon is reflecting light energy from the sun and second hand sun reflection from Earth. Scientists have learned to use albedo in determining the size and shape of space objects that cannot be captured by a camera. The Air Force Phillips Laboratory in Maui, Hawaii uses albedo as one source to conduct measurements to characterize the orbital debris LEO environment. The U.S. Space Surveillance network primarily tracks deep space objects (those with orbital periods greater than 225 minutes) using optical sensors that detect reflected sunlight.  The observed brightness of a space object depends on many factors besides its size, such as its orientation, its surface composition and the viewing geometry.
    This experiment gives a friendly hands-on demonstration of determining and analyzing albedo and takes into account a space object in a mock revolving orientation.

    This project works to help the learner become acquainted with the following:

    1. What is Orbital Debris? 

    2. Overview of Albedo Experiment

    3. Procedure for the Experiment

    4. Teacher Feedback to the Academy

    5. Discussion Forum

  • 3. Procedure for the Experiment

    The Albedo Experiment can be performed very simply with several sources of error to be expected or can be conducted in a more controlled effort with equipment that will allow students to focus on the data collected.  In either situation, the experiment provides students with a forum to collaborate their critical thinking to minimize any difficulties or unwanted variables that may effect their data.

    You will need the following materials for the more controlled experiment:

    • Computer with camera
    • Access to the Kepler Light Grapher:  
    •   see Light Grapher below
      An Albedo Detector Spinner (instructions and equipment found below in written and video form): The Detector Spinner is an excellent tool, but students may be able to design some other tool to allow their models to revolve in and out of the light source.)
    • A light source - this may be a lamp, light bulb, the flashlight app on a device - it should be quite bright and intense
    • A darkened room, or a darkened area behind the revolving model.
    • A Model Albedo Target  to provide and albedo comparison to an Experimental Target. (This may be a model of an asteroid, a potato, or a multi-faceted home-made item that allows practical surfaces for differing light reflection - instructions for the Model Alabedo Target  is found below)
    • Tape to hold the model in place as it moves
    • Instructions for Using the Light Grapher Program
    • The ability to save your Albedo Graph for printing or for reporting.

    Denise Wright is allowing  EIS to use her tutorial video for use of the Light Grapher.  Denise uses the Kepler Light Grapher to model how scientists search for exoplanets. In her video, Denise uses a set-up for exoplanet modeling that does not require the use of the Spinner.  You may find this approach helpful.  Please view her video to understand how to use the Light Grapher