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URL Click to See A Slideshow About the First Moon Over Us Project
Introduction URL Facts About The Moon (Source Wikipedia) For Kids

Enjoy reading a Wikipedia gist blurb about the phases of the Moon. Make sure to watch the slide show that shows us what these phases look like from Earth. Interesting tidbit – when we see half of the Moon from Earth, it is really a quarter-moon. Half of the moon is facing away from the Earth, and we see half of what is visible. Similarly, what we call a full moon means all of the side that is facing the Earth is visible.

URL 请阅读下面网站了解更多关于月球的信息。
Challenge 07: Taking The Images of The Moon with NASA's MicroObservatory Robotic Telescope Network URL Taking A Simple Image of The Moon with A NASA Robotic Telescope

  • NASA only has one telescope that does this. It is located in the USA so the angle of the moon is from the Northern Hemisphere. 
  • You will receive a notice via email when your image has been taken.
  • If you have a different telescope available to you, please feel free to use it so we see the moon from a different angle. 
      • Please save the image as both a .fits/.fts file and a .jpg/.png file.  
  • Upload the saved .fts /.fits and .jpg/.png file on your Team Padlet. 
Thank you!

URL Fun Activity: Create a Crater

Click the link above, read the instructions and create a crater on the Moon or the Earth.

Challenge 08: Take The Final Survey (Post-Project Survey) URL Post Project Google Survey: Moon Over Us: Phases & Faces (Jan-Feb 2022)