Students take their knowledge on how animals keep warm, practice describing their physical observations and run and experiment to determine the best ways to stay warm.
Author:  Frances Dellutri
Grade Level:  K-2
Subject Areas: Math, Science, Art
Educational Standards:  Identify and describe shapes.
Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as abovebelowbesidein front ofbehind, and next to.
Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size.
Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").

NGSS: 2-PS1-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties.

National Core Arts Standards for Visual Arts - Kindergarten

Anchor Standard #1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. Investigate, Plan, Make Engage in exploration and imaginative play with materials.

Short Description: Students will have an opportunity to investigate an important property of water (surface tension) in an intriguing activity, then move the water's behavior seen on Earth to its behavior aboard the International Space Station - very cool!

Title:  Gloves and Gadgets
Author:  Frances Dellutri
Grade Level:  K-2
Educational Standards: NGSS: 2-PS1-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to describe and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties.

Short Description: This activity can be done with any items you have at home or in the classroom.  The goal is to allow the students to role-play how astronauts manipulate their hands and fingers in space, outside their spacecraft,  to move around and to take care of their environment.  It may not be as easy as it looks!

Title: Plant Stalkers K2

Authors: Karl von Martius, 1817 and Carol Miranda Chor, 2017

Grade levels (Ages): K-2

Standards : Supplemental resource material

Subjects: Plants, Earth Day

Short Description:

Get to know the parts of a plant with a short video song. Then review fruits, vegetable and ornamental plants. Pick out the ones you recognize and teach students their common names. 

Title: Biodiversity : Insect review

Authors: Karl von Martius 1817 and Carol Miranda Chor 2017

Grade levels: K-2

Subject Areas: Biodiversity,Entomology,Science,Research,Composition,Art,Earth Day,Insects

Standards: Supplemental Resource material

Short Description:

This is an activity  on biodiversity that needs no words. It is review of the insects in the tropical rainforest of the 1800s. K2 teachers guide students through the list of insects, describe the parts of the insect body and ask students to design their own insect. Older students may research and answer the question "Why is biodiversity so important?"

Project title: Remember the Rainforest: Treasure Hunt

Authors: Karl von Martius 1817 and Carol Miranda Chor 2017

Subject areas: Ecology,Earth History,Earth Science,Earth Day,Art,Computer

Grade levels: K2

Standards: Supplemental Resource material

Short description: 

When the explorers visited the rainforest in 1817, there were no cameras to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. Cameras hadn’t even been invented yet ! In those days it was important to practice drawing and painting, so travelers could remember and pass along what they had seen. Searching the Expedition Etchings will raise your Eco awareness. If a picture is worth a thousand words, think what these thousands of images will teach you !

Treasure Hunt is a challenge for students to navigate the Expedition Etchings to search for the jaguar, the giant trees, the giant rivers, the lavender sky, etc. Open the Expedition Etchings section to begin your search.