
  • Image of spUN 2024 Debater Vlad

    See Index on the left for more information on the NSS HS spUN Debate Program.

  • Overview High School Debate Program

    The NSS logo and the spUN Debate logo are shown in this image.

    The virtual NSS Space Policy and Universalization (spUN) Debates offer international students an opportunity to form a global team to debate space policy with an eye on Universalization – finding solutions through world-wide collaboration and cooperation for the space industry and here on Earth such as laws and concerns in space development and expansion.

    Students learn the tools of debate and public speaking in a cooperative environment supported by professional coaches and professional judges. 

    Veteran and beginner debaters from all around the globe learn international collaborative skills as they form their 4-person teams.  

    An online course starts selected participants on a path to final acceptance onto a spUN High School Debate Team. The  virtual debate season is from February- June 2025.

    The Final  Debate virtual debate is streamed into the NSS International Space Development Conference - ISDC2025 held June 19 - 22, 2025 om Orlando, FL USA.

                                                  ISDC Image for marketing - no words - Astronaut kneeling with rover in the background.

               The 2025 HS resolution topic is: "An international body should establish a framework for the utilization of space minerals." 

                         Here's some information about the spUN Debate benefits from some of our veteran debaters - In Their Own Words...



  • Schedule 2025 High School spUN Debate Program

    The spUN Debate Program is 100% Virtual

    Sept 1, 2024 - Official Launch of the 2025 HS spUN Debate Application window 

    Nov 5, 2024 - Waiver Request Due - Debaters fill out application by 11:59  UTC

    Nov 17, 2024 - Applications for the spUN Debate close & coachs application due by 11:59  UTC

    Nov 20 2024 - Fees are due by 11:59  UTC

    Dec 1, 2024 - Coaches Applications Due

    Dec 15, 2024 - Announcement of selected debaters & Online course opens

    Jan 15, 2025 - Debater online Course Closes

    Jan 22, 2025 - Final Selection/Team Assignments Announced

    Feb 1, 2025 - Teams begin with spUN Debate Coaches

    March 1, 2025 - HS Mentor session

    April 5, 2025 - Practice Tournament 

    May 17,18,31; June 1,7,8,14,15, 2025 - Preliminary Tournament Rounds (Weekends)

    7:45  and 9:45  a.m. Central Daylight Saving Time

    June 22, 2025 - Final Tournament - streamed to ISDC, Orlando, FL, USA

    8:30  a.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time

    July 12, 2025 - Awards Ceremony

  • Application

    Application is found here : 


    Application is found here:  2025 HS Virtual spUN Debates Application


    Instructions for the High School spUN 2025 Application:

    PART A: General Information

    1.  "FULL NAME" Generally full name indicates First Middle and Last name, if you don’t have a middle name, you can leave that field blank and just write your first and last name.  These names will be used on your certificates. So take care and fill them out  correctly!

    Example:  First Name: Isabella  Leonor  Last Name:  López Díaz

    2.  "DATE OF BIRTH"  -  Follow the format

    3.  Your AGE “As of June 21, 2025” for example if you are 16 presently and your birthday is on 3rd Jan, you must fill 17 in the application not 16.

    4.  Your GRADE (as of June 21, 2025).

    5.  Please fill in your FULL SCHOOL NAME, avoid abbreviations and school address.

    Example:  NOT HLO but rather: Centrul de Excelenta Hai la Olimpiada 

    A press release is planned to reach your school following the tournament, so please ensure that your school details are accurate and complete. 

    Make sure to write out your school entirely without any abbreviations. Many people put abbreviations for their school names, but that won’t be accepted. 

    6.  Your HOME ADDRESS. Fill in the information in the format of city, state and Nation of residence. Please avoid abbreviations that are not in common global use.  

    7.  Your PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS is very, very important.   

    Please note: All the Debate  Applicant information will be sent to this email address and  emails may be urgent and require an immediate reply, so make sure you check your email messages every few days! After selection, many teams use other communication platforms, but official communications from the Program will be in your email.

    8.  MOBILE NUMBER which you would like us to use to contact you, Please state your relation to the owner of the number. Make sure to mention your country code. This is important for different messaging platforms that may be used.

    Example: 99-xxxxxx23 (Father) or 97-xxxxxx39 (Personal) or 1-xxxxxxxxxxx56 (Guardian). The  country code might be 99, or 97, or 1.

    9.  STATE YOUR GENDER IDENTITY is optional. Indicate the identification pronoun you use, if you wish. 

    Example: he/him, she/her, they/them

    10.  “Explain any PUBLIC SPEAKING AND DEBATE EXPERIENCE you have had. (It is not necessary to have formal debate training to qualify for the spUN Debates!) A part of spUN Debates program is to train students in debating space policy.  (20 - 100 words).”

    PART B: Permission/Recommendation, etc.

    1.  “A PARENT OR GUARDIAN'S PERMISSION is required for any student under 18 years of age at the time of debate to participate in the debate, also that parent / guardian must verify the information filled in the application.”  All of the debater in the High School Level MUST be no older than 18 years of age by June 21, 2025.

    Please fill in: Parent / Guardian Name and then check the box “yes” if your parent / guardian has permitted you to participate.

    2.  Submit/attach a recommendation from your teacher. Note: The letter will be used in our selection criteria and therefore, is very important. Your recommendation must be unique; if there are multiple students from the same school, you may use the same teacher for your recommendation. However, each teacher must write a unique letter for each student they recommend. If student recommendations are found to be the same, then they will not be considered and the applicant may be disqualified from participating.  Ask to view the recommendation before sending it.  The spUN Debate Program is looking for exceptional students and your recommendation should help us determine your outstanding attributes!  Each school may have a maximum of 15 students applying for consideration in the spUN Debates 2025. This is a policy change in the maximum number of students allowable from each school - 11/15/23.

    3.  Enter the DETAILS ABOUT TEACHER writing your recommendation such as name, email and phone number with country code. If you are homeschooled your recommendation letter can be written by your homeschool provider. 

    Please note: the teacher’s email address and phone number might be used to contact you in the event that we cannot reach you by your primary contacts, and remember our goal is to keep you informed!

    PART C: Video, Essays

    NOTE: PART C  is  the most important part because it  also helps the selection committee determine your personal attributes that will help build a dynamic debate team.  

    1.  You will need to PROVIDE A SHORT VIDEO that addresses the following:   

    How can we learn from humanity’s past on how to build a sustainable space-faring society?

    Please make sure this video is no longer than 2 minutes and that you are not reading off a script.  ChatGTP or other AI chatbots are not allowed.  Using them could result in an elimination for team consideration.

    Speak your first name and last name and give them in the title  to your video. Do not record  in open spaces or a hallway and try to look directly into the camera, speak clearly and slowly and try not to read your information. Make sure that your video is clearly understandable and avoid any echo effect. Be sure that you share your video with us through an internet link. YouTube or Google Drive may be provided in the space on the application. Ask a friend to test your link to make sure it is accessible and viewable.

    2.  After uploading the video link, for the next requirement is an ESSAY.

    The selection committee wants you to impress them so allow yourself to be thorough.

    3.  Here is the ESSAY QUESTION:     

    How would it look to see universalization in action in the world around you?

    ChatGTP or other AI chatbots are not allowed. Using them could result in elimination for team consideration.
    Unlike any other territory governed on Earth, control of outer space has global significance for all communities residing on Earth. What would be the implications and consequences of a country other than your own governing outer space? How would this make you feel? 

    Respond to the prompt in 1- 2 pages, using Times New Roman, Font size 12, Double spaced. Put your first and last name in the document title: 
    Example: Essay 2025 HS spUN
    Suggestion:  You may find inspiration from the videos seen on the Universalisation Concept chapter on Spaced academy.

    Your answer should be unique and suitable for the question. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Chatbots are NOT Allowed. Submit your answer  in a word document or a pdf and attach it in the application. The Selection Committee wants you to voice your personal ideas, so be aware that if two or more students have the same answer or the answer shows plagiarism or AI intervention and the application may be disqualified.

    4.  Before you finally submit your application, make sure all your application fields are completed to the best of your ability. 

    5.  A confirmation message will inform you that your application has been received and will direct you to the NSS store to purchase your $15 payment to complete your spUN application process. The fee payment is due 20/11/24.

    6.  A waiver of your fee is a possibility. To apply for consideration of the $15.00 waiver please go to:  2025 HS Waiver of Application

    7.  A second way to avoid the fee, is to influence another person to apply to the spUN Debates.  Make sure they mention you have influenced them to apply in the 'comments' section of their fee payment.

    For further questions kindly contact us at: spacedge.academy@nss.org   

    We wish you the best of luck!

  • Application Fee Info

    Purchase 2025 High School Debate Application Fee from NSS Store:


    Application fee is found here: Application Fee spUN 2025 HS


    Instructions for the Application fee purchase:

    1.  This link will put you right into the NSS Store to purchase your fee/s. for the High School Debate Program.  If you have more than one debater  for whom you wish to purchase a fee, you can indicate the number here. There will be an opportunity in the 'comment' section later in the order info to name the debaters who the fees will cover.

    This is an image of the HS Fee page found in the NSS Store.

    This is an image of the HS Fee page found in the NSS Store.

    2.  Check your cart to see if you have indicated the correct number of fees you would like to purchase.  If you need to purchase more fees, click 'Continue Shopping,' then click 'Cart', check your information and proceed to 'Checkout.

    This image found in the NSS Store notes the number of fees selected and gives you the option to continue shopping/checkout.

    3.  Enter your credit card info. Enter your Country code prior to your phone number (if you are from the US, then (1) is the country code). Enter your billing information.

    ThecCredit card information form is shown from the NSS Store.

    4. Next is your confirmation after you have indicated the debater in the 'Comment' section. 

    This image shows the comment box in the billing section for the NSS Store. Debater/s should be identified here.

    Then Proceed to 'Confirmation'.

    Proceed to confirmation button

     5. Hooray! You should see a 'Thank You' Message.

     Email receipt is forthcoming to the email noted in the NSS Store HS spUN Debate Fee  billing information.

    Image of the 'Thank You' message from the NSS Store.

  • Waiver - Application Fee

    Requests for the  $15.00 2025 spUN Debates Fee Application Waiver maybe submitted until midnight (Central Time) November 5, 2024.  Fill out the Debate Application prior to submitting the waiver request.

     A second way to avoid the fee, is to influence another person to apply to the spUN Debates.  Make sure they mention you have influenced them to apply in the 'comments' section of their fee payment.


    Fee Waiver form: 2025 HS Waiver Form


    For further questions kindly contact us at: sdebates@nss.org

  • Universalization Concept

    What is Universalisation?

    How it all started

    The spUN Debates began in 2017 at the National Space Society's International Space Development Conference in St. Louis, MO, USA.  Dr. LJ Edmonds gave a presentation to international students on the topic of universalization, a concept for cooperation and living that will greatly impact space development. Several students and a teacher engaged in an animated discussion of the impacts universalisation could have on space settlement but also on how we successfully and harmoniously move forward in Earthly policies and interactions!

    Must watch videos

    Here are some videos that resulted from the subsequent spUN Debate Tournaments (pre-COVID-19) in 2018 and 2019. The first video is an overview of the 2018 debates...Please take a moment to see the impact the study of the universalization concept made on the student debaters.  

    The second video talks about the practicalities of space living and governing and, how to buy chocolate in space! 

    The next video is from a podcast in which Dr. Lorna Jean Edmonds was interviewed by Starcast about the universalization concept.  This concept is very important in our debates, both to see the concept in the debate arguments and also as a guide in the conduct of everyone in the NSS spUN Debate Organization.

    Picture of co-founder of spUN Debates - Dr. Lorna Jean Edmonds

    We hope these resources will give you great food for thought!

  • Resolution and Information

    2025 HS spUN Resolution:

    An international body should establish a framework for the utilization of space minerals.

    The Mentor Forum:

    March 1st, 2025 

    More Information will be coming about the subject matter expert who will present the Mentor Forum.
    Suggested Definitions for the Resolution: 

    1. International body. An organization or institution that operates on a global scale and involves the participation of multiple countries. This body would have the authority and legitimacy to create and enforce rules, guidelines, and standards related to the extraction and use of resources found in space. The affirmative team might choose to define the number and type of countries required to constitute a legitimate international body.

    2. Establish. Implies a process of creation, implementation, and enforcement of a structured system for governing use of space minerals.

    3. Framework. Refers to a structured and comprehensive system of rules, guidelines, and principles that will govern how space resources are extracted, used, and managed.

    4. Utilization. Processes of extracting, processing, and applying space-based resources for various purposes. It encompasses the entire value chain of space mining, from the initial acquisition of raw materials to their eventual use.

    5. Space Minerals. Refers to naturally occurring solid materials with a defined chemical composition and crystal structure found on celestial bodies like asteroids, the Moon, and other planets or moons.  These resources hold potential economic and strategic value for both space exploration and terrestrial applications. It is important to note that gases and organic compounds are not normally considered space minerals.

  • spUN Coaches Needed!

    The National Space Society's SpacEdge Education Team is seeking experienced debate coaches who are interested in working on the SpUN Virtual Debates Program 20245  Coaches work virtually with students from around the world to prepare for space policy debates. (Commitment is from Feb. - June 2025).

    This is a great opportunity for you to add to your resume and to help students from around the world articulate ideas and consider STEAM careers! 

    The TASK:  coaches work virtually (at least once a week) with diverse teams to prepare/consult with them for the June 2025 tournament. The 2025 Resolution is:   

    An international body should establish a framework for the utilization of space minerals.

    Coaches will refine strategies for research, cases, rebuttals, teamwork, presentation style and debate cadence (NO SPREADING).

     Dates: Coach commitments begin February 2025 when team and coach assignments are announced. The debate season spans February - June 2025.
    What’s in it for you?:  In addition to helping debate become an international skill, coaches would receive:
      • $500.00 compensation for the 2025 spUN Debate Season 
      • A 1-year full year membership to the National Space Society
      • Certificate of international coaching participation suitable for Professional Development or for your professional file
      • An outstanding opportunity to facilitate global relationships and encouraging collaboration within the new generation

    Challenges: students compete from around the world, so finding times /platforms for communication can be challenging. (Meeting times are up to the debate coach/debaters to determine.)

    To be considered for a spUN Coaching spot:

    2025 spUN Coach Application

    If you have questions about being a part of this amazing opportunity, please contact:

    Frances Delutri (francesdellutri@nss.org) .

  • Debate Format

    spUN debate format

    The 2025 spUN Program Debate format calls for a debate session of 60 minutes and allows a presentation of Pro and Con arguments to:

    1. educate the participants about the resolution topic and the weaving of the universalization concept in the approach of the resolution topic that addresses space policy.

    2. educate the spectators of the debates in the space policy debate topic and the use of universalization to address and explain the resolution topic.

    The 2025 High School Debate Format follows. It can also be downloaded from the attachment.

  • Rulebook , spUN Debates

    The 2025 spUN Debate Program is pleased to present the spUN Debate Program Rulebook. 

    spUN Debates Rule Book

    The spUN Rulebook outlines such topics as:

    Debater Code of Conduct

    Qualifications and Eligibility to be considered for the spUN Debate Program

    Requirements and Expectations for the Program

    Practice Tournament and Program Tournament Organization

    Debate Format and Adjudication Information

    Challenges and Penalties During the Tournament

    We encourage coaches, debaters, and judges to become acquainted with the Rulebook.

  • 2024 HS Debate Info

    For 2024, the High School students debated the resolution:

    "Space development would best be performed by autonomous AI and robotic systems."

    spUN HS Debates 2024 Video Links

    May 11, 2024 7:45 am CDT Slim vs. Danuri



    May 11, 2024 7:45 am CDT SOHO vs. New Horizons



    May 11, 2024 9:45 am CDT CAPSTONE vs. SOHO



    May 11, 2024 9:45 am CDT Juno vs. Aditya



    May 11, 2024 9:45 am CDT Psyche vs. Pioneer



    May 11, 2024 9:45 am CDT Voyager vs. SLIM



    May 12, 2024 7:45 am CDT Danuri vs. Aditya



    May 12, 2024 7:45 am CDT New Horizons vs. Voyager



    May 12, 2024 7:45 am CDT Psyche vs. CAPSTONE



    May 12, 2024 9:45 am CDT Pioneer vs. New Horizons



    May 12, 2024 9:45 am CDT SLIM vs. Juno



    May 12, 2024 9:45 am CDT SOHO vs. Psyche



    May 18, 2024 7:45 am CDT Aditya vs. SOHO



    May 18, 2024 7:45 am CDT

    May 18, 2024 9:45 am CDT CAPSTONE vs. SLIM



    May 12, 2024 9:45 am CDT