Educator Onboarding
LEO Art Challenge Workshop
ICE 2019: Satellite Tracking, Orbits, and Modeling
SEEC 2019: Satellite Tracking, Orbits, and Modeling
Workshop:ITEC Trek-a-Sat
Workshop: 2018-01-27 Yerkes
Workshop: 2017-10-28 Carthage-Yerkes Electrostatics in Space
Workshop: 2017-06-29-BTCI-Life in Space!
Workshop: 2017-03-11 Yerkes
Workshop: 2017-02-07 SEEC
Workshop: 2017-01-28 Yerkes
Tools You Might Use
Educational Learning
Workshop: 2017-06-29-BTCI-Life in Space!
Esquema de tópicos/temas
With the support of Promega Corporation, BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute is an educational outreach resource located in Madison, WI. EIS presented a short session to middle school teachers about some aspects of Life In Space which is the focus this teacher training session.
Music video by Javier Colon and Matt Cusson in collaboration with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to inspire the next generation of explorers and innovators to reach for the stars as only NASA can!
Exposing, engaging, and exciting African American students to develop an interest in Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics doesn't just happen. In order to dream it (to be in a STEM career), young African American students have to see it (male and female astronauts, engineers, scientists, mission specialists, etc.) who look like them working in these STEM careers and disciplines. NASA's Hidden Figures to Modern Figures videos highlights African American space pioneers from Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn and others to modern day NASA employees where inclusion and diversity has become as important as the unlocking the mysteries that lie in our Universe.
Link to Hidden Figures to Modern Figures videos
The NASA Modern Figures Toolkit has a variety of lessons and resources for teachers to integrate and incorporate into their classrooms that continue the conversation on STEM disciplines and highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion in STEAM careers.
Hands on activities were shared with teachers to use in their classroom with their students. Toys in Space is an activity that utilizes common 'toys' used by the middle school student with videos on how their behavior changes in space.
Various typical toys used by students were analyzed as to their movement in typical play and the forces that affected them during play. After recording investigations on how the toys move in 1 G, videos from the International Space Station were viewed and discussions were suggested that could lead to engineering projects on how to handle equipment in space. This file has instructions for the toy investigation. Stations can be set up to encourage students to analyze several toys in 1 G.
NASA provides information on the behavior or toys in space as well as instructions on how to make the boomerang and Origami Flipper. This educational product was developed in 2004 and mentions some toys that may not be familiar with today's students. The resource given in the above section is an updated version of the 2004 NASA document; however, the NASA document gives great explanations and vocabulary and may be quite helpful to you!
Experiments using a plasma ball are used to introduce and consider the effect of electrostatic charges in space that may be encountered by astronauts and equipment.
This information will give a quick background on the fourth state of matter. When using a Plasma Ball, the gas within the ball is ionized due to electric current and the display is the energized gas returning to a stable state. There are several resources listed in the Background.
A lab experiment for investigations of plasma behavior with different materials is found here.
This session was a snapshot of many of the workshops offered by Enterprise In Space. The resources used (videos, websites, educational standards) are noted in this document.