Educatorshave engaged their students to design experiments which the teacher tested on parabolic flights that produced microgravity environments.

One teacher contributed to the course: "Bringing Space to the Whole School"  for K-8 grade.

The journey of the teachers and students, their challenges and solutions and the outcome are documented in this category.  Be prepared to be amazed!

The Embedded Teacher Workshop 2022-23, held at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI, focuses on microgravity and experimental design.

NSS Master Teacher Lynne F. Zielinski, also the National Space Society Vice President of Education, leads this workshop.

Ms. Tomlin presents classroom experiments conducted in preparation for Zero-G parabolic flight in May, 2022.  Comparison of Water Movement in Different Lunar Regolith Simulants in Lunar Gravity and Microgravity Environments was tested on such a flight.